What General Hospital Fans Truly Think About Holly’s Fiery Fakeout Exit

Dave J Hogan/Getty Images By Roger Froilan/Dec. 1, 2022 9:50 am EST

In the blink of an eye, Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) returned to Port Charles on “General Hospital,” stirring up trouble by putting a dent in the diabolical Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) plans and breaking a heart along the way. The former con artist’s son, Ethan Lovett (Nathan Parsons), had been taken prisoner by Victor and used to blackmail Holly into helping advance his as yet unrevealed fiendish plan. It involved a necklace made from shards of the Ice Princess, the world’s largest uncut diamond. The Ice Princess was originally used as part of Mikkos Cassadine’s (John Colicos) weather-controlling machine in 1981, and the megalomaniac planned to blackmail the world with it, first testing it by freezing Port Charles (via Soaps in Depth). 

Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and WSB agent Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) thwarted Mikkos’ plans back then. Now, his brother Victor seems to have another scheme in place, necessitating the necklace. Holly was an unwilling pawn in his project, seemingly betraying everyone by shooting Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and spying on Scorpio and everyone else that could stand in the way of Victor’s plot. However, Holly secretly confessed everything to Scorpio. Together, they hatched a scheme to make her useless to Victor whereby she took the necklace, hid out in a remote cabin, and caught fire when the cabin exploded, per Soap Hub. It was all a ruse, of course, and fans were overjoyed that the good guys finally got one up on the bad guys.

Holly pulls off the ultimate con


As Soaps She Knows reported, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) helped erstwhile love interest Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) pull off the ultimate con by making it appear she’d been badly burned in a cabin explosion on “General Hospital. This involved her going into hiding, thereby breaking Robert’s heart. Fans were all over Twitter about this plot, with one posting: “Robert and Holly were so holding back but so perfect! Miss them already. No one else fits with the other!”

Many fans had nothing but praise for the storyline, with one post stating: “Bravo to @EmmaSamms1 & @tristanrogers for so effortlessly bringing Robert & Holly’s bond back to life. Every moment was perfect, each performance stellar. From the joy of Holly’s return to the bittersweet of her departure, it was all a cherished gift!”  However, not all the feedback was positive. One negative posting stated: “Her return was literally to cause chaos & pain to the people she called her friends & then leaving only having helped herself get free of Victor & I’m sure a few diamonds. Meanwhile, Ethan & Lucy still being held, nothing about Victor’s plan & Anna still on the run for her life.” One supporter had an answer and replied, “She did start the process of taking him down, what are you talking about? Lucy was hit with a rubber bullet, Victor did the framing, and Laura was never in danger. Holly made it easy for her to even get home.”

We’re excited to see how the rest of the story plays out.

What General Hospital Fans Truly Think About Holly’s Fiery Fakeout Exit

Dave J Hogan/Getty Images

By Roger Froilan/Dec. 1, 2022 9:50 am EST

In the blink of an eye, Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) returned to Port Charles on “General Hospital,” stirring up trouble by putting a dent in the diabolical Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) plans and breaking a heart along the way. The former con artist’s son, Ethan Lovett (Nathan Parsons), had been taken prisoner by Victor and used to blackmail Holly into helping advance his as yet unrevealed fiendish plan. It involved a necklace made from shards of the Ice Princess, the world’s largest uncut diamond. The Ice Princess was originally used as part of Mikkos Cassadine’s (John Colicos) weather-controlling machine in 1981, and the megalomaniac planned to blackmail the world with it, first testing it by freezing Port Charles (via Soaps in Depth). 

Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and WSB agent Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) thwarted Mikkos’ plans back then. Now, his brother Victor seems to have another scheme in place, necessitating the necklace. Holly was an unwilling pawn in his project, seemingly betraying everyone by shooting Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and spying on Scorpio and everyone else that could stand in the way of Victor’s plot. However, Holly secretly confessed everything to Scorpio. Together, they hatched a scheme to make her useless to Victor whereby she took the necklace, hid out in a remote cabin, and caught fire when the cabin exploded, per Soap Hub. It was all a ruse, of course, and fans were overjoyed that the good guys finally got one up on the bad guys.

Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) and WSB agent Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) thwarted Mikkos’ plans back then. Now, his brother Victor seems to have another scheme in place, necessitating the necklace. Holly was an unwilling pawn in his project, seemingly betraying everyone by shooting Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and spying on Scorpio and everyone else that could stand in the way of Victor’s plot. However, Holly secretly confessed everything to Scorpio. Together, they hatched a scheme to make her useless to Victor whereby she took the necklace, hid out in a remote cabin, and caught fire when the cabin exploded, per Soap Hub.

It was all a ruse, of course, and fans were overjoyed that the good guys finally got one up on the bad guys.

Holly pulls off the ultimate con


As Soaps She Knows reported, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) helped erstwhile love interest Holly Sutton (Emma Samms) pull off the ultimate con by making it appear she’d been badly burned in a cabin explosion on “General Hospital. This involved her going into hiding, thereby breaking Robert’s heart. Fans were all over Twitter about this plot, with one posting: “Robert and Holly were so holding back but so perfect! Miss them already. No one else fits with the other!”

Many fans had nothing but praise for the storyline, with one post stating: “Bravo to @EmmaSamms1 & @tristanrogers for so effortlessly bringing Robert & Holly’s bond back to life. Every moment was perfect, each performance stellar. From the joy of Holly’s return to the bittersweet of her departure, it was all a cherished gift!”  However, not all the feedback was positive. One negative posting stated: “Her return was literally to cause chaos & pain to the people she called her friends & then leaving only having helped herself get free of Victor & I’m sure a few diamonds. Meanwhile, Ethan & Lucy still being held, nothing about Victor’s plan & Anna still on the run for her life.” One supporter had an answer and replied, “She did start the process of taking him down, what are you talking about? Lucy was hit with a rubber bullet, Victor did the framing, and Laura was never in danger. Holly made it easy for her to even get home.”

We’re excited to see how the rest of the story plays out.

Many fans had nothing but praise for the storyline, with one post stating: “Bravo to @EmmaSamms1 & @tristanrogers for so effortlessly bringing Robert & Holly’s bond back to life. Every moment was perfect, each performance stellar. From the joy of Holly’s return to the bittersweet of her departure, it was all a cherished gift!” 

However, not all the feedback was positive. One negative posting stated: “Her return was literally to cause chaos & pain to the people she called her friends & then leaving only having helped herself get free of Victor & I’m sure a few diamonds. Meanwhile, Ethan & Lucy still being held, nothing about Victor’s plan & Anna still on the run for her life.” One supporter had an answer and replied, “She did start the process of taking him down, what are you talking about? Lucy was hit with a rubber bullet, Victor did the framing, and Laura was never in danger. Holly made it easy for her to even get home.”

We’re excited to see how the rest of the story plays out.