Are Trendix Hooked On You Period Panties Worth The Money?

JLco Julia Amaral/Shutterstock By Sara Caskey/Oct. 29, 2022 9:21 am EST

The last century has seen quite the evolution in period products. We’ve come a long way from menstrual belts and “aprons,” pieces of rubber that worked as a barrier between skirts and bloomers — and yes, they were just as bulky and uncomfortable as they sound (via The Museum of Menstruation and Women’s Health). Progress was slow-moving, according to Elissa Stein, author of “Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation,” largely because “it’s hard to sell a product that everybody is too embarrassed to talk about.” Since menstruation was taboo in many parts of the world, manufacturers struggled to design period products even in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, per Women’s Health.

The year 1931 saw the birth of the first tampon, and 1969 welcomed pads with adhesive strips to pharmacy aisles. Stein noted that while no one was necessarily concerned with innovations that might make women’s periods less burdensome, “adhesive pads and pads made of cellulose were created by a trickle-down effect.” Today, sanitary napkins continue to be the top-selling feminine hygiene product on the market, with tampons coming in second (via UT Health Austin). A lot happens to the body over the course of your cycle. Though most people bleed between two and seven days, according to Mayo Clinic, the effects of a period can be felt long before menstruation actually begins. You may experience cravings, emotional ups and downs, and cramps. The last thing you want to have to add to that is stress about what feminine hygiene product you’re using.

Trendix Hooked On You period panties are one of the latest period products to hit the shelves. But, is this absorbent underwear worth the price?

Trendix Hooked On You panties open at the sides


Considering that fact that 26% of the population gets a regular period, according to Unicef, it’s surprising how long it’s taken us to evolve beyond pieces of cloth and rubber “aprons.” Trendix Hooked On You absorbent period panties are one of the more recent additions to the feminine hygiene market. What sets Hooked On You apart is its ability to open on the side, making it easy to change your underwear without taking off shoes, pants, or tights, per The New York Times. Simply unclasp to take off and re-hook to replace. As one reviewer notes, the underwear is easy to change when you’re away from home, is odor-free, and can easily be cleaned in a washing machine (via Trendix). 

According to The New York Times, Hooked On You panties are a step above similar products due to their high-absorbency and secure clasp system. They can retain the equivalent of up to six tampons. The catch? Because of their superior quality, Trendix costs up to four times more than other period underwear, coming in at $49.99. However, due to the convenience and prolonged absorbency of this product, it just might be worth the investment.  Though Trendix underwear have the texture of swimsuit bottoms when dry, they’re far better at absorbing moisture than your typical bikini. Hooked On You may feel heavier throughout the day, but never wet.

Trendix Hooked On You underwear runs small


When purchasing Hooked On You panties, keep in mind that they typically run small. The New York Times recommends buying a pair one or two sizes up from what you normally wear, otherwise, you might start to feel the clasps pinching into your hips. (Who needs more discomfort on top of cramping and bloating?)

Trendix also offers a slight discount with a “buy more, save more” option. If you opt for three pairs, for instance, the price drops from $49.99 to $44.99 each. Ultimately, it’s important to know how to properly clean and care for your period underwear once you make a purchase. Like bras, it’s best to wash these absorbent panties with cold water, letting them air dry before re-wearing. Specifically, Trendix recommends rinsing their Hooked On You underwear before tossing in the washer along with other dark fabrics. The bottom line? Over the course of a month, the average menstruator spends $19.54 on tampons and pads — that’s nearly $10,000 from ages 12 to 52, according to Women’s Health. It might actually be better for your bank account to buy yourself a pair of multi-use period panties.

Are Trendix Hooked On You Period Panties Worth The Money?

JLco Julia Amaral/Shutterstock

By Sara Caskey/Oct. 29, 2022 9:21 am EST

The last century has seen quite the evolution in period products. We’ve come a long way from menstrual belts and “aprons,” pieces of rubber that worked as a barrier between skirts and bloomers — and yes, they were just as bulky and uncomfortable as they sound (via The Museum of Menstruation and Women’s Health). Progress was slow-moving, according to Elissa Stein, author of “Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation,” largely because “it’s hard to sell a product that everybody is too embarrassed to talk about.” Since menstruation was taboo in many parts of the world, manufacturers struggled to design period products even in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, per Women’s Health.

The year 1931 saw the birth of the first tampon, and 1969 welcomed pads with adhesive strips to pharmacy aisles. Stein noted that while no one was necessarily concerned with innovations that might make women’s periods less burdensome, “adhesive pads and pads made of cellulose were created by a trickle-down effect.” Today, sanitary napkins continue to be the top-selling feminine hygiene product on the market, with tampons coming in second (via UT Health Austin). A lot happens to the body over the course of your cycle. Though most people bleed between two and seven days, according to Mayo Clinic, the effects of a period can be felt long before menstruation actually begins. You may experience cravings, emotional ups and downs, and cramps. The last thing you want to have to add to that is stress about what feminine hygiene product you’re using.

Trendix Hooked On You period panties are one of the latest period products to hit the shelves. But, is this absorbent underwear worth the price?

The year 1931 saw the birth of the first tampon, and 1969 welcomed pads with adhesive strips to pharmacy aisles. Stein noted that while no one was necessarily concerned with innovations that might make women’s periods less burdensome, “adhesive pads and pads made of cellulose were created by a trickle-down effect.” Today, sanitary napkins continue to be the top-selling feminine hygiene product on the market, with tampons coming in second (via UT Health Austin).

A lot happens to the body over the course of your cycle. Though most people bleed between two and seven days, according to Mayo Clinic, the effects of a period can be felt long before menstruation actually begins. You may experience cravings, emotional ups and downs, and cramps. The last thing you want to have to add to that is stress about what feminine hygiene product you’re using.

Trendix Hooked On You period panties are one of the latest period products to hit the shelves. But, is this absorbent underwear worth the price?

Trendix Hooked On You panties open at the sides


Considering that fact that 26% of the population gets a regular period, according to Unicef, it’s surprising how long it’s taken us to evolve beyond pieces of cloth and rubber “aprons.” Trendix Hooked On You absorbent period panties are one of the more recent additions to the feminine hygiene market. What sets Hooked On You apart is its ability to open on the side, making it easy to change your underwear without taking off shoes, pants, or tights, per The New York Times. Simply unclasp to take off and re-hook to replace. As one reviewer notes, the underwear is easy to change when you’re away from home, is odor-free, and can easily be cleaned in a washing machine (via Trendix). 

According to The New York Times, Hooked On You panties are a step above similar products due to their high-absorbency and secure clasp system. They can retain the equivalent of up to six tampons. The catch? Because of their superior quality, Trendix costs up to four times more than other period underwear, coming in at $49.99. However, due to the convenience and prolonged absorbency of this product, it just might be worth the investment.  Though Trendix underwear have the texture of swimsuit bottoms when dry, they’re far better at absorbing moisture than your typical bikini. Hooked On You may feel heavier throughout the day, but never wet.

According to The New York Times, Hooked On You panties are a step above similar products due to their high-absorbency and secure clasp system. They can retain the equivalent of up to six tampons. The catch? Because of their superior quality, Trendix costs up to four times more than other period underwear, coming in at $49.99. However, due to the convenience and prolonged absorbency of this product, it just might be worth the investment. 

Though Trendix underwear have the texture of swimsuit bottoms when dry, they’re far better at absorbing moisture than your typical bikini. Hooked On You may feel heavier throughout the day, but never wet.

Trendix Hooked On You underwear runs small


When purchasing Hooked On You panties, keep in mind that they typically run small. The New York Times recommends buying a pair one or two sizes up from what you normally wear, otherwise, you might start to feel the clasps pinching into your hips. (Who needs more discomfort on top of cramping and bloating?)

Trendix also offers a slight discount with a “buy more, save more” option. If you opt for three pairs, for instance, the price drops from $49.99 to $44.99 each. Ultimately, it’s important to know how to properly clean and care for your period underwear once you make a purchase. Like bras, it’s best to wash these absorbent panties with cold water, letting them air dry before re-wearing. Specifically, Trendix recommends rinsing their Hooked On You underwear before tossing in the washer along with other dark fabrics. The bottom line? Over the course of a month, the average menstruator spends $19.54 on tampons and pads — that’s nearly $10,000 from ages 12 to 52, according to Women’s Health. It might actually be better for your bank account to buy yourself a pair of multi-use period panties.

Trendix also offers a slight discount with a “buy more, save more” option. If you opt for three pairs, for instance, the price drops from $49.99 to $44.99 each. Ultimately, it’s important to know how to properly clean and care for your period underwear once you make a purchase. Like bras, it’s best to wash these absorbent panties with cold water, letting them air dry before re-wearing. Specifically, Trendix recommends rinsing their Hooked On You underwear before tossing in the washer along with other dark fabrics.

The bottom line? Over the course of a month, the average menstruator spends $19.54 on tampons and pads — that’s nearly $10,000 from ages 12 to 52, according to Women’s Health. It might actually be better for your bank account to buy yourself a pair of multi-use period panties.